
Analysis 2 Podcasting

Podcasts are a video and audio display that is recorded and viewed via the web. Podcasts are a great tool to use when teaching as they allow the students to explore new ways of doing things. By this I mean in the students approach to responding to a project, it allows the student to be innovative, creative and learn social skills while building relationships and using team work. Podcasts can be costly to set up and maintain as well as time consuming but in the hands of a well trained and highly organised teacher the benefits out way the disadvantages and the student’s results speak for themselves.

The technology skills that the students learn include editing and formatting using cameras, microphones, lighting and computers. Campbell, G. confirms the technology skills gained through using Podcasting along with the right guidance and scaffolding the students can “create a powerful analytical and synthetic work” (2005, page 36). When using the equipment the students also pick up the IT language.

Using the Podcast as a classroom project allows the students to develop and understand not only the linguistic of ICT but they learn skills like Interviewing and researching as well as learning to work in a group. Campbell, G. makes it clear that not only do students learn to develop their multimedia languages but the students who come to class with a strong understanding of ICT disserve the right to be challenged and exposed to ICT tools and these students play a vital role in helping others students to build self confidence (2005, page 36-38).

When we look at students building up self confidence while using ICT as teachers we can look at the tasks we set for our students and the format in which we choose. Co-operative learning can play a big part in students being able to learn from each other and support one another. Krause, et. al., explains the benefits of students working in groups, the students who are not as confident or not understanding the task can look at others and ask questions and the students who are confident and who have been asked questions are challenged in their response and can take on a teacher role. Co-operative therefore supports the teacher as they are responsible for a large number of students which are all individuals and have different learning needs and levels. Also some students can be disruptive and/or time dependent on the teacher.

Disengaged students can benefit from teaching approaches such as Podcasting because Podcasts are a form of ICT and require many different jobs/roles or skills to be successfully produced. Students in a class have different skills not all academic often find Podcasting enjoyable and are better behaved as they have ownership, feel helpful and become an active member of the group. Campbell, G. mentions Podcasting as way for individuals to communicate about things they love and that it often comes from their hearts (2005, page 42), as a teacher this information is so important as it gives you the understanding to teach topics in a way to inspire and allow students to be creative and passionate. When looking at the benefits you must also look at the disadvantages which include funding and time spent resolving IT issues.

To plan a lesson or project which involves using Podcasting you must first have the equipment and access to computers, internet, digital cameras and editing programs. This can be difficult to access for a large number of students and can be very expensive. This is defiantly a disadvantage of planning to use Podcasting as an intergraded IT tool into a classroom. Another disadvantage can be problem shooting IT issues and teacher time spent on giving instructions repetitively. If you have a focussed teaching team I believe that you can help influence the funding towards IT and employee an IT technician or spend provide the teachers with adequate professional development time to gain the competency skills to pass onto students.

Overall the benefits of integrating ICT in the form of Podcasting out way the disadvantages. ICT provides students with an inclusive environment where students learn at their own pace and are challenged through their thinking by learning skills to problem solving, researching, exploring and implementing new skills. This is achieved by having competent teachers who have the tools to be able to problem solve IT issues or have the procedure in place to call upon an IT guru. Teachers who are well trained and well equipped have little problems with ICT and find it enjoyable and rewarding using ICT in the classroom. Chan, A., Mark, J., Lee, W., agree that Podcasting is a great tool to use in the classroom as it allows for a flexible learning environment that is innovative and can allow students to overcome anxiety by pre reading class text or to be able to revisit class lectures via a podcast. They also discuss the mobile learning benefits of allowing students a hands free situation for multitasking.

Reference Lists

Campbell, G. (2005) There is something in the air podcasting in education. Educause review, November/December. Retrieved July 12, 2010, from soton.ac.uk

Chan, A., Mark, J., Lee, W. (2005) AN MP3 A DAY KEEPS THE WORRIES AWAY:
Exploring the use of podcasting to address preconceptions and
alleviate pre-class anxiety amongst undergraduate information
technology students. Charles Sturt University student experience conference 2005. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

Tynan, B., Colbran, S. (2006) Podcasting, student learning and expectations. Centre for teaching and learning University of New England. Retrived July 14, 2010, from

Krause, K., Bochner, S., Duchesne, S., & McMaugh, A. (2010) Educational psychology for learning & teaching (3rd ed.). South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning Australia.

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