
Benefits of using Podcasting in the classroom! Entry 1

Pod-casting provides students with the opportunity to learn many different skills like editing, recording and audio skills. Teaching in today’s classroom you are working with students who are familiar with pod-casting as it is compatible with IPods, MP3s, and computers which a lot of the students either own or see others use. Pod-casting provides a Mobil learning environment as you can down load and listen via any of the mentioned tools/equipment.

Campbell makes it clear that it is easy to publish a Podcast but it is challenging and innovative in producing a Podcast. This includes the students giving thought to there audience, writing a script, learning and developing skills to record the project. It is very important to have quality equipment to ensure the quality of the audio recording (2005, page 34). When publishing your Podcast Campbell recommends first setting up a blog as the blog almost always will generate an RSS feed which will help to have your podcast viewed and followed by the community and the rest of the world (2005, page 36).

Once you have decided to use a blog for publishing Pod-casts you can use this site for continuing learning where students can go to for a whole school term and also comment on other students pod-casts. Students can also access the blog at home and share their class projects with family and friends.

Reference Lists

Campbell, G. (2005) There is something in the air pod-casting in education. Educate review, November/December. Retrieved July 12, 2010, from soton.ac.uk

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