
Benefits of using Podcasting in the classroom! Entry 2

When looking at the benefits it is exciting to see the advantages that Podcasting can have on individual students like learning the technological linguistics, researching skills, interviewing skills and script writing. While the students are learning these skills it allows the teacher to use co-operative learning and group learning lesson planning. Which will allow students to help teach others and to challenge each other’s ideas and learning.

Many students come to school already possessing a enriched understanding of ITC in both different forms like IPods, the World Wide Web, I-Pones, Podcasting etc. but it is important to remember that in your classroom you will also have students that don’t have access to these IT equipment. This is where co-operative learning can be so useful as the students who may not be so confident in IT they may bring confidence in script writing or confidence in speaking an thus interviewing other people. This provides an environment in which if the group is selected to support these skills the students will do a lot of learning from each other.

Chan, A., Mark, J., Lee, W, confirm the above benefits and has done research on the area. They found that out of a class of “26 students 100 percent had access to an MP3 player and 2 students had access to IPod or Mobil phone. 13 students had access to PC and 11 students had access to both” (2005, page 60). This study confirms that in today’s classroom you really need to step up the approach of integrating ITC into the classroom to help stimulate and challenge the students. Podcasting defiantly provides an opportunity for inclusive learning.

Reference List

Chan, A., Mark, J., Lee, W. (2005) AN MP3 A DAY KEEPS THE WORRIES AWAY:
Exploring the use of podcasting to address preconceptions and
alleviate pre-class anxiety amongst undergraduate information
technology students. Charles Sturt University student experience conference 2005. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from

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